White Vinegar Cooking Guide

1. Keep the color of the vegetables and reduce the loss of vitamins. Add a spoonful of vinegar to the water while cooking the potatoes to maintain the true color. Peel the potatoes and dip in the water with two tablespoons of vinegar to make the color black. Add some vinegar to the cabbage to maintain a beautiful and vivid color. Add a little vinegar when frying vegetables to reduce the loss of vitamins;

2. When cooking, the best time to add vinegar is at both ends, that is, immediately after the raw materials are put into the pot, vinegar and the dishes are added with vinegar before the pot. The first time should be more, the second time should be less;

3. Vinegar can be used to remove the greasy raw materials, such as cooking aquatic products or belly, intestines, heart, etc., to eliminate the odor and odor, and to smear some scented raw materials with vinegar in advance;

4. Soften the meat and make it fresh and delicious. Old chicken and duck are not easy to boil, you can first add a small amount of vinegar with ice water, soak for two hours, then cook with low heat, the meat is crisp and delicious. Add a spoonful of vinegar to the boiled beef, soft and tender. Add some vinegar to stew the lamb to dissolve the sheep. When cooking pork ribs or fish soup, put some vinegar to dissolve the calcium, phosphorus and iron in the bones and shark fins, and absorb them by the human body;

5. Coagulate the protein. When boiled poached eggs, add a spoonful of vinegar to the boiling water. The eggs will solidify quickly after the pot, and the shape looks good.



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