What Is The White Vinegar’s Medical Value?

What is the White Vinegar’s Medical Value?

1. White vinegar can accelerate the blood circulation of the human body, improve the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen, improve the hypoxia state of various parts of the body caused by fatigue, enhance the metabolism of various systems, which is conducive to the release of carbon dioxide and waste gas in the body, thus making the body relax and recover fatigue.

2. White vinegar sour taste, warm, into the liver and stomach classics, with detoxification, insecticide hemostasis and blood stasis can promote the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, play appetizers digestion, enhance the effect of appetite.

3. White vinegar can kill bacteria and inhibit bacteria, effectively prevent influenza respiratory diseases and intestinal diseases;It can reduce blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, soften blood vessels and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. White vinegar can reduce the concentration of alcohol in the gastrointestinal tract and blood, thus have the effect of antidotes;It can soften bone spurs and promote the absorption of calcium in bone spurs



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