Rice Vinegar Consumption Taboo

1. Those who are taking certain western medicines should not eat rice vinegar. It should be acetic acid to change the pH of the local environment in the human body, so that certain drugs can not function. Sulfonamides are easy to form crystals in the acidic environment. Small tubes, so it is not advisable to take such drugs. When taking sodium bicarbonate, magnesium oxide, and stomach-alkaline alkaline medicine, it is not advisable to eat vinegar. The acetic acid can neutralize the alkaline medicine and make it invalid. When using gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin, erythromycin and other antibiotic drugs, it is not advisable to eat rice vinegar, because these antibiotics will reduce the effect in acidic environment, affecting the efficacy.

2. Patients with gastric ulcer and hyperacidity should not be rice vinegar. Because vinegar not only corrode the gastric mucosa and aggravate the gastric ulcer, vinegar itself is rich in organic acids, which can make the digestive organs secrete a large amount of digestive juice, thereby increasing the digestion of gastric acid, so as to avoid the increase of gastric acid and ulcers.

3. Older people should avoid jealousy during fracture treatment and rehabilitation. Vinegar can soften bones and calcium and destroy the dynamic balance of calcium in the human body. It will promote and aggravate osteoporosis, so that the injured limbs are sore and painful, and the fractures will not heal.

4. Those who are allergic to acetic acid and those with low blood pressure should be hanged. Because rice vinegar can cause allergies in the body, it can cause rash, itching, edema, asthma and other symptoms. In addition, some people who are not suitable for vinegar should be cautious. In patients with low blood pressure, rice vinegar can cause blood pressure to drop and cause headaches, dizziness, and weakness.



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